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v. 1.1.1
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# addClass

addClass(elm: any, classNames: string | string[]): elm

Adds one or multiple class names to a DOM element

@returns : The given elm

addClass(MyNode, 'active') // --> <div class="active" />
addClass(MyNode, ['active', 'open']) // --> <div class="active open" />

# append

append(elm: Element, insertElm: any): Element | null

Append DOM element or plain HTML to the end of a given DOM element

@returns : The inserted child element

append(MyNode, NodeToAppend)
append(MyNode, '<span>appended</span>')
append(MyNode, '.my-appended-element')

# attr

attr(elm: Element, attrName: string, value?: null | string | number | boolean): string | null

Get/set the value of an attribute on a given DOM element

@returns : Data found in the attribute (the old value if {value} is defined)

// Get the value of an attribute
attr(document.documentElement, 'lang'); // --> eg. 'en-US'

// Set the value of an attribute
attr(document.documentElement, 'lang', 'da-DK'); // --> <html lang="da-DK">

// Set a boolean value
attr(MyInput, readonly, true); // --> <input readonly />
attr(MyInput, readonly, false); // --> <input />

# boxModel

boxModel(elm: Element): BoxModelMapping

Parses the box model numbers of an given Element (margin, padding and border widths)

@returns : The mapping of the box model

type BoxModelMapping = {
  border: BoxModelSectionMapping
  margin: BoxModelSectionMapping
  padding: BoxModelSectionMapping

type BoxModelSectionMapping = {
  bottom: number
  left: number
  right: number
  top: number

# children

children(elm: ParentNode): Element[]

Find the children of a given DOM element and return it as an Array

@returns : List of found child DOM elements


# classNameString

classNameString(args: (Option | Option[])[]): string

Create a string of names that will be used as class names for a given element.

@returns : The list of class names (eg. "my-elm open active")

classNames('my-elm', 'open', 'active') // --> "my-elm open active"
classNames(['my-elm', 'open', 'active']) // --> "my-elm open active"
classNames('my-elm', ['open', 'active']) // --> "my-elm open active"
classNames('my-elm', { open: true, active: true }) // --> "my-elm open active"
type Option = string | Record<string, boolean | undefined>;

# contentBoxSize

contentBoxSize(elm: any): {
  height: number
  width: number

Find the size of a DOM element, document or window excluding borders, margins and padding
(Getting the size of the viewport if document or window is given)

@returns : Object describing width and height of the element

// <div style="width: 200px; height: 300px; margin: 10px; border: 2px solid;" />
contentBoxSize(div) // --> { width: 200, height: 300 }

contentBoxSize(window) // --> [size of the viewport]
contentBoxSize(document) // --> [size of the viewport]

# contentSize

contentSize(elm: any): {
  height: number
  width: number

Find the size of the content (scrollable area minus padding) of a DOM element, document or window
(Getting the size of the viewport if document or window is given)

@returns : Object describing width and height of the element

// <div style="width: 200px; height: 200px; margin: 10px; border: 2px solid; overflow: scroll">
//   <div style="height: 400px; width: 400px" />
// </div>
contentSize(div) // --> { width: 400, height: 400 }

contentSize(window) // --> [size of the viewport]
contentSize(document) // --> [size of the viewport]

# copyEvent

copyEvent<T extends Event>(event: T, currentTarget?: EventTarget): T

Copies a given event and optionally changes the currentTarget

@returns : The copied event

copyEvent(SomeEvent, MyNewCurrentTargetElement)

# createElement

createElement(selector?: string): Element

Creates an element from a given CSS selector (restricted to only one element)

@returns : The created element

// Create a div
create(); // --> <div />

// Create an element
create('img'); // --> <img />

// Create an element from a selector
create('#MyElement.active'); // --> <div id="MyElement" class="active" />

# css

css(elm: HTMLElement): CSSStyleDeclaration

Get the computed styling of a DOM element.

@returns : All styling on the element

css(MyElm) // --> All computed styles of MyElm
type CSSStyleProperties = Record<string, string | number | null | undefined>;
css(elm: HTMLElement, property: string): string | number | null

Gets a given inline style property on a DOM element.
Return values that are pure numbers or pixel values will be converted to pure number first

@returns : All styling on the element or the value of the given style property

css(MyElm, 'font-size') // --> 30
css(MyElm, 'borderSize') // --> '1px'
type CSSStyleProperties = Record<string, string | number | null | undefined>;
css(elm: HTMLElement, styles: CSSStyleProperties): CSSStyleDeclaration

Set multiple inline styling properties on a DOM element.

Notes on values:

  • null as value, removes the given property
  • !important in the value will be parsed and set correctly (eg. font-size: 15px !important)

@returns : All styling on the element

css(MyElm, { fontSize: 30, 'font-weight': 'bold !important' }) // --> All computed styles of MyElm
type CSSStyleProperties = Record<string, string | number | null | undefined>;
css(elm: HTMLElement, property: string, value: null | string | number): CSSStyleDeclaration

Set a given inline style property on a DOM element.

Notes on values:

  • null removes the given property
  • !important added to the value, it will be parsed and set correctly

@returns : All styling on the element or the value of the given style property

css(MyElm, 'fontSize', 30) // --> All computed styles of MyElm
type CSSStyleProperties = Record<string, string | number | null | undefined>;

# domReady

domReady(handler: () => void): void

Execute a given function once the document has finished loading

domReady((e: Event) => { alert('DOM Ready') });
docComplete(): boolean

returns whether document ready state indicates that the document is ready to be manipulated

# elementData

elementData(elm: Node, key?: string, data?: unknown): unknown

Inspired by jQuery's data method that stores data in memory associated with a given element.
If no data is given, the stored data for the given key is returned. If no key is given either
the entire data object will be returned.


Data is stored in a WeakMap, so when an element is deleted, the associated data is deleted as well.

@returns : The entire cache or the data for the given key

elementData(MyElm, 'entry', { count: 10 }) // --> { count: 10 }
elementData(MyElm, 'entry') // --> <What ever was stored under "entry">
elementData(MyElm) // --> everything was stored for the given element
resetCache(): void

Resets ALL local data cache

# elmIndex

elmIndex(elm: Element): number

Find the index of a DOM element amongst its siblings

@returns : The index of elm

elmIndex(someDiv); // --> 3

# ensureHTML

ensureHTML(htmlOrSelector: string): string

Parses a string to see if it is already HTML otherwise it assumes
is a selector and parses it to HTML

@returns : The HTML string

// String is already HTML so it is returned as is
ensureHTML('<div />');

// String is a selector, to is is parsed before it is returned
ensureHTML('.my-div'); // --> <div class="my-div" />

# find

find<T extends HTMLElement>(selector: string): T | T[] | null

Find elements by a given selector. The selector will be lightly analyzed to determine
the appropriate findByXX function. This should be faster than just running querySelector(All)
to find elements.

@returns : List of found DOM elements

find('#my-id') // Uses getElementById()
find('.my-class') // Uses getElementsByClassName()
find('div') // Uses getElementsByTagName()
find('#my-id.my-class') // Uses querySelectorAll()
find('#my-id > .my-class + p') // Uses querySelectorAll()
find<T extends HTMLElement>(elm: Maybe<any>, selector: string): T | T[] | null

Find elements by a given selector from a given element. The selector will be lightly analyzed to determine
the appropriate findByXX function. This should be faster than just running querySelector(All)
to find elements.

@returns : List of found DOM elements

find(myElm, '#my-id') // Uses myElm.querySelectorAll()
find(myElm, '.my-class') // Uses myElm.getElementsByClassName()
find(myElm, 'div') // Uses myElm.getElementsByTagName()
find(myElm, '#my-id.my-class') // Uses myElm.querySelectorAll()
find(myElm, '#my-id > .my-class + p') // Uses myElm.querySelectorAll()

# findByClass

findByClass<T extends HTMLElement>(classNames: string | string[]): T[]

Finds DOM elements with a given class name.
Separate multiple selectors by comma. Separate multiple class names by space.

@returns : List of found DOM elements

findByClass('my-id') // --> all ".my-elm" elements
findByClass('my-id, my-other-elm') // --> all ".my-elm" and ".my-other-elm" elements
findByClass('my-id my-other-elm') // --> all ".my-elm.my-other-elm" elements
findByClass<T extends HTMLElement>(elm: Maybe<any>, classNames: string | string[]): T[]

Finds DOM elements with a given class name from a given element.
Separate multiple selectors by comma. Separate multiple class names by space.

@returns : List of found DOM elements

findByClass(myElm, 'my-id') // --> all ".my-elm" elements as descendant of myElm
findByClass(myElm, 'my-id, my-other-elm') // --> all ".my-elm" and ".my-other-elm" elements as descendant of myElm
findByClass(myElm, 'my-id my-other-elm') // --> all ".my-elm.my-other-elm" elements as descendant of myElm

# findById

findById<T extends HTMLElement>(id: string): T | null

Find a DOM element with the given ID

@returns : The found element

findById('my-id') // --> "#my-id" element
findById('non-existing') // --> null
findById<T extends HTMLElement>(ids: string[]): T[]

Find a DOM elements from a list of IDs

@returns : The found elements

findById(['my-id', 'my-other-id']) // --> "#my-id" and "#my-other-elm" elements
findById(['non-existing', 'non-existing-2']) // --> []

# findByName

findByName<T extends HTMLElement>(names: string | string[]): T[]

Find DOM elements with the given name

@returns : List of found DOM elements

findByName('my-element-name') // --> all "[name=my-element-name]" elements
findByName(['my-element-name', 'my-second-name']) // --> all "[name=my-element-name]" and "[name=my-second-name]" elements

# findByQuery

findByQuery<T extends HTMLElement>(elm: Maybe<any>, queries: string | string[]): T[]

Find all elements matching a given CSS selector from a given element

@returns : List of found DOM elements

findByQuery(MyElm, 'span.my-class') // --> All "span.my-class" elements that are descendants of MyElm
type OneArgs = [elm: undefined, query: string];
findByQuery<T extends HTMLElement>(queries: string | string[]): T[]

Find all elements matching a given CSS selector

@returns : List of found DOM elements

findByQuery('span.my-class') // --> All "span.my-class" elements that are descendants of document
type OneArgs = [elm: undefined, query: string];
findOneByQuery<T extends HTMLElement>(elm: Maybe<any>, query: string): T | null

Find first elements matching a given CSS selector from a given element

@returns : List of found DOM elements

findOneByQuery(MyElm, 'span.my-class') // --> First "span.my-class" elements that are descendants of MyElm
findOneByQuery<T extends HTMLElement>(query: string): T | null

Find first elements matching a given CSS selector

@returns : List of found DOM elements

findOneByQuery('span.my-class') // --> First "span.my-class" elements that are descendants of document

# findByTagName

findByTagName<T extends HTMLElement>(tagNames: string | string[]): T[]

Find elements by given tag name

@returns : List of found DOM elements

findByTagName('div') // --> All <div> elements
findByTagName<T extends HTMLElement>(elm: Maybe<any>, tagNames: string | string[]): T[]

Find elements by given tag name

@returns : List of found DOM elements

findByTagName(MyElm, 'div') // --> All <div> elements that are descendants of MyElm

# getCurrentDocument

getCurrentDocument(node: any): Document | null

Determines the relevant owner document object from a give node

@returns : The owner document (if can be determined)

getCurrentDocument(document) // --> `document` directly
getCurrentDocument(window) // --> `window.document`
getCurrentDocument(myNode) // --> The `document` in which myNode resides

# getCurrentWindow

getCurrentWindow(node: any): GeneralWindow | null

Determines the relevant owner window object from a give node

@returns : The owner window (if can be determined)

getCurrentWindow(document) // --> `window` the document belongs to
getCurrentWindow(window) // --> `window` directly
getCurrentWindow(myNode) // --> The `window` in which myNode resides

# hasClass

hasClass(elm: any, classNames: string | string[], any?: boolean): boolean

Does all (or any) of the listed class names exist in the DOM elements list of class names

@returns : All/any class names listed were found in the elements list of class names

hasClass(myElm, 'open') // --> true if myElm has the "open" class name
hasClass(myElm, ['open', 'shown']) // --> true if myElm has some or all given class names
hasClass(myElm, ['open', 'shown'], true) // --> true if myElm has all given class names
hasAllClass(elm: Element, classNames: string | string[]): boolean

Does all of the listed class names exist in the DOM elements list of class names

@returns : All of the class names listed were found in the elements list of class names

hasAllClassNames(myElm, 'open') // --> true if myElm has the "open" class name
hasAllClassNames(myElm, ['open', 'shown']) // --> true if myElm has all given class names
hasAnyClass(elm: Element, classNames: string | string[]): boolean

Does any of the listed class names exist in the DOM elements list of class names

@returns : At least one of the class names listed were found in the elements list of class names

hasAnyClassName(myElm, 'open') // --> true if myElm has the "open" class name
hasAnyClassName(myElm, ['open', 'shown']) // --> true if myElm has at least one of the given class names

# hidden

hidden(elm: HTMLElement): boolean

Test if a given DOM element is technically hidden

  • Not in DOM
  • Collapsed (no width and height)
  • display: none
  • visibility: hidden.

@returns : Is the element technically hidden or not

hidden(myNormalElement) // --> false
hidden(myZeroWidthAndHeightElement) // --> true
hidden(myNoDisplayElement) // --> true
hidden(myNoVisibilityElement) // --> true

# inDOM

inDOM(elm: Node): boolean

Is the given DOM node inserted into the DOM

@returns : Is it a DOM node in the DOM or not

inDOM(document.getElementById('my-elm')) // --> true
inDOM(document.createElement('div')) // --> false

# innerSize

innerSize(elm: any): {
  height: number
  width: number

Find the size of a DOM element, document or window excluding borders, margins and scrollbars.
Getting the size of the viewport if document or window is given.

@returns : Object describing width and height of the element

// <div style="width: 200px; height: 300px; margin: 15px; padding: 10px; border-width: 2px;" />
innerSize(div) // --> { width: 220, height: 320 }

innerSize(window) // --> [size of the viewport]
innerSize(document) // --> [size of the viewport]

# innerXML

innerXML(elm: Element): string

Gets the inner XML structure as a string from a XML/HTML element
(like innerHTML but also for XML elements - eg. in SVG)

@returns : The inner XML structure

innerXML(<div><span>my text</span></div>); // --> '<span>my text</span>'
innerXML(<svg><g><path /></g></svg>); // --> '<g><path /></g>'

# insertAfter

insertAfter(elm: Element, insertElm: any): Element | null

Inserts DOM element or plain HTML after a given DOM element
(not possible for detached elements or the element)

@returns : The inserted element

insertAfter(document.documentElement, myInsertElm) // --> null (not possible)
insertAfter(document.createElement('div'), myInsertElm) // --> null (not possible)

insertAfter(myElm, myInsertElm) // --> myInsertElement
insertAfter(myElm, '<div />') // --> <div />
insertAfter(myElm, '.inserted-element') // --> <div class="inserted-element" />

# insertBefore

insertBefore(elm: Element, insertElm: any): Element | null

Inserts DOM element or plain HTML before a given DOM element
(not possible for detached elements or the element)

@returns : The inserted element

insertBefore(document.documentElement, myInsertElm) // --> null (not possible)
insertBefore(document.createElement('div'), myInsertElm) // --> null (not possible)

insertBefore(myElm, myInsertElm) // --> myInsertElement
insertBefore(myElm, '<div />') // --> <div />
insertBefore(myElm, '.inserted-element') // --> <div class="inserted-element" />

# inView

inView(elm: HTMLElement, threshold?: number): PositionIndicator

Determines whether the element is in the area of the viewport or not.

@returns : An object with indications of where the element is compared to the viewport area

// Element inside viewport
const { inside } = inView(myElement); // --> inside === true

// Element outside viewport
const { inside, below } = inView(myElement); // --> inside === false; below === true

// With a threshold
const { inside } = inView(myElement, 30); // --> inside === true
type PositionIndicator = {
  // Above the viewport area?
  above: boolean
  // Below the viewport area?
  below: boolean
  // Inside the viewport area?
  inside: boolean
  // To the left of the viewport area?
  left: boolean
  // To the right of the viewport area?
  right: boolean

# invisible

invisible(elm: HTMLElement): boolean

Test if a given DOM element is invisible.

Itself or a parent is:

  • hidden
  • No width or no height
  • opacity: 0

@returns : Is the element invisible

invisible(document.body) // --> false
invisible(MyNormalElement) // --> false
invisible(myZeroHeightElement) // --> true
invisible(myZeroWidthElement) // --> true
invisible(myNoDisplayElement) // --> true
invisible(myNoVisibilityElement) // --> true

# isBlob

isBlob(obj: unknown): boolean (obj is Blob)

Is the given object a Blob object

@returns : Is it a Blob object or not

isBlob(new Blob()) // --> true

isBlob('blob') // --> false

# isDocument

isDocument(obj: unknown): boolean (obj is Document)

Is the given object a DOM document node

@returns : Is it a DOM document node or not

isDocument(window.document) // --> true

isDocument(window) // --> false
isDocument(document.body) // --> false

# isDOMChildNode

isDOMChildNode(node: unknown): boolean (node is ChildNodeWithParent)

Is the given object a DOM node child of a DOM element

@returns : Is it a DOM child node or not

isDOMChildNode(document.body) // --> true
isDOMChildNode(document.getElementById('my-elm')) // --> true
isDOMChildNode(createDetachedDocument().body) // --> true

isDOMChildNode(document.documentElement) // --> false

# isDOMContainer

isDOMContainer(obj: unknown): boolean

Is the given object a DOM node that can contain child DOM nodes

@returns : Is it a DOM container or not

isDOMContainer(document.documentElement) // --> true
isDOMContainer(document.body) // --> true
isDOMContainer(document.getElementById('my-elm')) // --> true
isDOMContainer(document.createDocumentFragment()) // --> true

isDOMContainer(document) // --> false
isDOMContainer(document.createTextNode('')) // --> false

# isDOMElement

isDOMElement(obj: unknown): boolean (obj is Element)

Is the given object a DOM element node and optionally of a given type

@returns : Is it a DOM element node or not and optionally of the right type

isDOMElement(document.createElement('p')) // --> true
isDOMElement(document.documentElement) // --> true
isDOMElement(document.body) // --> true

isDOMElement(window) // --> false
isDOMElement(document.createTextNode('')) // --> false

# isDOMFragment

isDOMFragment(obj: unknown): boolean (obj is DocumentFragment)

Is the given object a Document Fragment

@returns : Is it a Document Fragment or not

isDOMFragment(document.createDocumentFragment()) // --> true

isDOMFragment(document.createElement('p')) // --> false
isDOMFragment(document) // --> false
isDOMFragment(window) // --> false

# isDOMNode

isDOMNode(node: unknown): boolean (node is Node)

Is the given object a DOM Node

@returns : Is it a DOM node or not

isDOMNode(document.documentElement) // --> true
isDOMNode(document.createTextNode('')) // --> true
isDOMNode(document.createComment('')) // --> true

isDOMNode(window) // --> false

# isDOMRoot

isDOMRoot(node: unknown): boolean (node is HTMLElement)

Is the given object root node of the DOM (eg <html> for HTML documents og <svg> for SVG documents)

@returns : Is it the root node of the DOM or not

isDOMRoot(document.documentElement) // --> true

isDOMRoot(document.body) // --> false
isDOMRoot(document) // --> false
isDOMRoot(window) // --> false

# isEventTarget

isEventTarget(obj: unknown): boolean (obj is EventTarget)

Is the given object a viable event target (implements the addEventListener function)

@returns : Is it an Event Target or not

isEventTarget(window) // --> true
isEventTarget(document) // --> true
isEventTarget(document.documentElement) // --> true
isEventTarget(document.body) // --> true
isEventTarget(new XMLHttpRequest()) // --> true

isEventTarget({}) // --> false

# isHTMLChildElement

isHTMLChildElement(node: unknown): boolean (node is HTMLChildElement)

Is the given object a DOM node child of a DOM element

@returns : Is it a child HTMLElement or not

isHTMLChildElement(document.body) // --> true
isHTMLChildElement(document.getElementById('my-elm')) // --> true
isHTMLChildElement(createDetachedDocument().body) // --> true

isHTMLChildElement(document.documentElement) // --> false

# isHTMLElement

isHTMLElement(obj: unknown): boolean (obj is HTMLElement)

Is the given object a HTMLElement node

@returns : Is it a HTML element node

isHTMLElement(document.createElement('p')) // --> true
isHTMLElement(document.documentElement) // --> true
isHTMLElement(document.body) // --> true

isHTMLElement(window) // --> false
isHTMLElement(document.createTextNode('')) // --> false

# isWindow

isWindow(obj: unknown): boolean (obj is GeneralWindow)

Is the given object a Window object (eg. window or IFrame.contentWindow)

@returns : Is it a Window object or not

isWindow(window) // --> true

isWindow(document) // --> false
isWindow(document.body) // --> false

# marginBoxSize

marginBoxSize(elm: any): {
  height: number
  width: number

Find the size of a DOM element, document or window including margins and borders
(Getting the size of the viewport if document or window is given)

@returns : Object describing width and height of the element

// <div style="width: 200px; height: 300px; margin: 15px; padding: 10px; border-width: 2px;" />
marginBoxSize(div) // --> { width: 254, height: 354 }

marginBoxSize(window) // --> [size of the viewport]
marginBoxSize(document) // --> [size of the viewport]

# nextSiblings

nextSiblings(elm: Element): Element[]

Get all sibling elements after a given DOM element in the structure

@returns : Collection of sibling elements


# off

off<E extends EventName>(elm: EventTarget, eventNames: E | E[], handler: EventHandler, options?: any): elm

Bind an event handler for one or more event names on a given DOM element.

@returns : elm

off(MyElm, 'click', () => {})
off(MyElm, 'click', () => {}, { passive: true })
off(MyElm, ['mouseenter', 'touchstart'], () => {})
off<E extends EventName>(eventNames: E | E[], handler: EventHandler, options?: any): Document

Bind an event handler for one or more event names to document

@returns : document

off('click', () => {})
off('click', () => {}, { passive: true })
off(['mouseenter', 'touchstart'], () => {})

# on

on<E extends EventName>(elm: EventTarget, eventNames: E | E[], handler: EventHandler, options?: any): () => elm

Bind an event handler for one or more event names on a given DOM element.

@returns : function to remove added event handlers

const removeEvent = on(MyElm, 'click', someHandler)
const removeEvent = on(MyElm, 'click', someHandler, { passive: true })
const removeEvent = on(MyElm, ['mouseenter', 'touchstart'], someHandler)

When using options.when

let allowClick = false;
const removeEvent = on(MyElm, 'click', someHandler, { when: () => allowClick });

// In this case the `click` event won't trigger unless "allowClick" is `true`

When using options.delegate

const removeEvent = on(MyElm, 'click', someHandler, { delegate: '.click-me' });

// Here we listen to the `click` on MyElm, but the event will only trigger
// if the clicked target is a child of `MyElm` and matches the given selector ('.click-me').
// `this` and currentTarget, will match the current ".click-me" element

A combination of options

const removeEvent = on(MyElm, 'click', someHandler, {
  delegate: '.click-me',
  when: () => allowClick,
  once: true

// In this scenario a MyElm '.click-me' child element will trigger the event handler,
// but only if the condition of `when` returns true ("allowClick" is `true`) and the
// event will trigger only once (event will be removed when the conditions for when
// and delegate have been fulfilled).
type OnOptions = AddEventListenerOptions & {
  // A selector that defines which element is the actual target of the event
  delegate?: string
  // A method that returns true when the event should trigger
  // Combined with `once`, it will only remove the handler when `when()` resolves to true)
  when?: (event: ActualEvent) => boolean
on<E extends EventName>(eventNames: E | E[], handler: EventHandler, options?: any): () => Document

Bind an event handler for one or more event names on document.

@returns : function to remove added event handlers

const removeEvent = on('click', someHandler)
const removeEvent = on('click', someHandler, { passive: true })
const removeEvent = on(['mouseenter', 'touchstart'], someHandler)

When using options.when

let allowClick = false;
const removeEvent = on('click', someHandler, { when: () => allowClick });

// In this case the `click` event won't trigger unless "allowClick" is `true`

When using options.delegate

const removeEvent = on('click', someHandler, { delegate: '.click-me' });

// Here we listen to the `click` on but the event will only trigger
// if the clicked target matches the given selector ('.click-me').
// `this` and currentTarget, will match the current ".click-me" element

A combination of options

const removeEvent = on('click', someHandler, {
  delegate: '.click-me',
  when: () => allowClick,
  once: true

// In this scenario a '.click-me' child element will trigger the event handler,
// but only if the condition of `when` returns true ("allowClick" is `true`) and the
// event will trigger only once (event will be removed when the conditions for when
// and delegate have been fulfilled).
type OnOptions = AddEventListenerOptions & {
  // A selector that defines which element is the actual target of the event
  delegate?: string
  // A method that returns true when the event should trigger
  // Combined with `once`, it will only remove the handler when `when()` resolves to true)
  when?: (event: ActualEvent) => boolean

# outerSize

outerSize(elm: any): {
  height: number
  width: number

Find the size of a DOM element, document or window including borders.
(Getting the size of the viewport if document is given)

@returns : Object describing width and height of the element

// <div style="width: 200px; height: 300px; margin: 10px; border: 2px solid;" />
outerSize(div) // --> { width: 224, height: 324 }

outerSize(document) // --> [size of the viewport]

# parseSelector

parseSelector(selector: string): SelectorParsing

Parses CSS a selector string into a structured object

@returns : The attribute parsing mapping

parseSelector('.my-elm[name=test]') // --> { tagName: 'div', attributes: { name: 'test', class: 'my-elm' }, attributeList: ['name', 'class'] }
parseSelector('input[type=submit]') // --> { tagName: 'input', attributes: { type: 'submit' }, attributeList: ['type'] }
type AttributeMapping = Record<string, string | 'true'> & {
  class?: Set<string>

type SelectorParsing = {
  attributeList: string[]
  attributes: Record<string, string>
  tagName: string

# position

position(elm: any): PositionData

Get the current absolute position of a DOM element and optionally also the relative position (position relative to offset parent)

@returns : the position information of the element

// Returns a 0 position

// Basically returns the size of the element, as top and left will be 0

// Get the position of a given element
type Position = {
  // Number of pixels from the top to the bottom side of the element
  bottom: number
  // Number of pixels from the left
  left: number
  // Number of pixels from the left to the right side of the element
  right: number
  // Number of pixels from the top
  top: number

type PositionData = Position & {
  // Position relative to the offset parent
  relative?: Position

# prepend

prepend(elm: Element, insertElm: any): Element | null

Append DOM element or plain HTML to the beginning of a given DOM element

@returns : The inserted child element

prepend(MyNode, NodeToPrepend)
prepend(MyNode, '<span>prepended</span>')
prepend(MyNode, '.my-prepended-element')

# previousSiblings

previousSiblings(elm: Element): Element[]

Get all sibling elements before a given DOM element in the structure

@returns : Collection of sibling elements


# removeClass

removeClass(elm: any, classNames: string | string[]): elm

Remove one or multiple class names from a DOM element

@returns : Returns element given in 'elm'

// <div class="active open" />
removeClass(MyNode, 'active') // --> <div class="open" />
removeClass(MyNode, ['active', 'open']) // --> <div class="" />

# replaceClass

replaceClass(elm: any, classNames: string | string[], replacements: string | string[]): Element | null

Replaces css class with another on a DOM element.

@returns : Returns element given in 'elm'

// <div class="active open" />
replaceClass(MyNode, 'active', 'inactive') // --> <div class="inactive open" />
replaceClass(MyNode, ['active', 'open'], ['inactive', 'closed']) // --> <div class="inactive closed" />
replaceClass(MyNode, 'active', ['inactive', 'removed']) // --> <div class="inactive removed open" />

# replaceNode

replaceNode(elm: Node, replacement?: any): Node | void

Replace a given DOM element with another DOM element or plain HTML string

@returns : The value given in elm

// <div><span id='a' /></div>
replaceNode(document.getElementById('a'), document.createElement('p')) // --> <div><p /></div>
replaceNode(document.getElementById('a'), 'p.p') // --> <div><p class="p" /></div>

# scrollInfo

scrollInfo(elm?: any): ScrollInfo

Gather the current scroll position information of a DOM element or the window

@returns : The scroll information

type ScrollInfo = {
  x: number
  xMax: number
  xPct: number
  y: number
  yMax: number
  yPct: number

# scrollParent

scrollParent(elm: Element): Element | HTMLElement | null

Get the parent element that has scrolling

@returns : The scroll parent or the viewport

scrollParent(document.body) // --> `<html>`

// <div style="overflow:auto"><p id="P" /></div>
scrollParent(document.getElementById('P')) // --> `<div>`

// <div style="overflow:auto"><p id="P" style="position: fixed" /></div>
scrollParent(document.getElementById('P')) // --> `<html>`

// <div style="overflow:auto"><p id="P" style="position: absolute" /></div>
scrollParent(document.getElementById('P')) // --> `<html>`

// <div style="overflow:auto; position: relative"><p id="P" style="position: absolute" /></div>
scrollParent(document.getElementById('P')) // --> `<div>`

# selectorToHTML

selectorToHTML(selector: string): string

Converts a given CSS selector into HTML
(No this is not an Emmet substitute, so it is limited to only one element)

@returns : The parsed HTML

selectorToHTML('#id.class-name'); // --> '<div id="id" class="class-name" />'

# siblings

siblings(elm: Element): Element[]

Get all sibling elements of a given DOM element

@returns : Collection of sibling elements


# toDOM

toDOM(html: string): HTMLCollection | null

Convert HTML into DOM node(s)


To keep the method simple and short, this method uses the <template />
element to convert the HTML. For older browsers, either
use a polyfill like @webcomponents/template or a more elaborate HTML parser
(like parsehtml or html-parser)

@returns : DOM elements that the HTML represented

// HTML cannot be parsed easily
toDOM('<html><body><div /></body></html>'); // --> null

// Convert a given HTML string to HTML
// --> <div><a>link</a></div>

# toggleClass

toggleClass(elm: any, classNames: string | string[], force?: boolean): elm

Toggles (add/remove) one or multiple class names on a DOM element

@returns : The given elm

// <div class="active open" />
toggleClass(MyNode, 'active') // --> <div class="open" />
toggleClass(MyNode, ['active', 'open']) // --> <div class="active" />

// <div class="active open" />
toggleClass(MyNode, 'active', true) // --> <div class="active open" />
toggleClass(MyNode, 'active', false) // --> <div class="open" />

# trigger

trigger(elm: EventTarget, eventNames: string | string[], data?: unknown): elm

Trigger one or more events on a given DOM element.

@returns : The 'elm' (or document)

trigger(MyElm, 'click')
trigger(MyElm, 'my-event', { SomeEntry: true })
trigger(eventNames: string | string[], data?: unknown): Document

Trigger one or more events on Document.

@returns : The 'elm' (or document)

trigger('my-event', { SomeEntry: true })

# uniqueNodeList

uniqueNodeList<T extends Element>(args: any[]): T[]

Make a unique list of Elements from on or multiple Element collections
(usually as a result of some element selection method)

@returns : The unique list of elements

const byClassName = (selector) => document.getElementsByClassName(selector)

// Using a single selector
findUniqueNodeCollection('my-elements', byClassName);

// Using multiple selectors
findUniqueNodeCollection(['.my-element', 'sone-other-elements'], byClassName);

# vendorPrefixed

vendorPrefixed(str: string): VendorPrefixing

Add vendor prefixes to a string

@returns : Array of the various vendor vendorPrefixed versions of the string

// [
//   { prefix: '', js: 'backfaceVisibility', css: 'backface-visibility' }
//   { prefix: 'webkit', js: 'webkitBackfaceVisibility', css: '-webkit-backface-visibility' }
//   { prefix: 'moz', js: 'mozBackfaceVisibility', css: '-moz-backface-visibility' }
//   { prefix: 'ms', js: 'msBackfaceVisibility', css: '-ms-backface-visibility' }
//   { prefix: 'o', js: 'oBackfaceVisibility', css: '-o-backface-visibility' }
// ]
type VendorPrefixing = [{
  css: string
  js: string
  prefix: ''
}, {
  css: `-webkit-${string}`
  js: `webkit${string}`
  prefix: 'webkit'
}, {
  css: `-moz-${string}`
  js: `moz${string}`
  prefix: 'moz'
}, {
  css: `-ms-${string}`
  js: `ms${string}`
  prefix: 'ms'
}, {
  css: `-o-${string}`
  js: `o${string}`
  prefix: 'o'

# viewport

viewport(elm?: any): HTMLElement

Get the current viewport element (scrolling element) of the current document, from a given element

@returns : The viewport element

// Get the viewport of the current document

// Get the viewport of the current window

// Get the viewport of a given element

# visible

visible(elm: HTMLElement): boolean

Test if a given DOM element is visible.

@returns : Is the element visible for the user

visible(document.body) // --> true
visible(MyNormalElement) // --> true
visible(myZeroHeightElement) // --> false
visible(myZeroWidthElement) // --> false
visible(myNoDisplayElement) // --> false
visible(myNoVisibilityElement) // --> false

# wrap

wrap(elm: Element, wrapping: any): Element | null

Wrap a given element in the given HTML, selector or element

@returns : If the wrapping was successful or not

wrap(document.documentElement, '<div />') // --> false - you cannot wrap the <html> element

wrap(MyElm, document.createElement('div')) // --> true
wrap(MyElm, '<div class="wrap-element"><span><b /></span></div>') // --> true - element inserted into the <b> tag
wrap(MyElm, '.wrap-element') // --> true
type RGBTuple = [red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha?: number];
type CamelCaseSettings = PhrasifySettings & {
  // Keep abbreviations uppercase (false == HTMLElement => HtmlElement | true == HTMLElement => HTMLElement)
  abbr?: boolean
  // Convert to UpperCase CamelCase (aka PascalCase)
  upper?: boolean
type ChunkStringOptions = {
  reverse?: boolean
  size?: number
type CurrencyFormatter = (num: number) => string;
type FormatNumberSettings = {
  // The decimal separator character
  decimal?: string
  // How many decimals to show
  decimalCount?: number | string
  // The thousand separator character
  thousand?: string
type FuzzySearchOptions = {
  caseSensitive: boolean
type KebabCaseSettings = PhrasifySettings;
type PascalCaseSettings = Omit<CamelCaseSettings, 'upper'>;
type PhrasifySettings = {
  // Separate numbers from words?
  numbers?: boolean
type NodeLikeCallback = (err?: string | Error | null, data?: unknown) => unknown;
type PromisefiedFunction = (args: any[]) => Promise<any>;
type PromisefyCallback = (args: any[]) => any;
type SnakeCaseSettings = PhrasifySettings;
type TruncateSettings = {
  // What ending to give the truncated string (default is "...")
  end?: string
  // Max length of the given string
  maxLength?: number
type BoxModelMapping = {
  border: BoxModelSectionMapping
  margin: BoxModelSectionMapping
  padding: BoxModelSectionMapping
type BoxModelSectionMapping = {
  bottom: number
  left: number
  right: number
  top: number
type Option = string | Record<string, boolean | undefined>;
type CSSStyleProperties = Record<string, string | number | null | undefined>;
type OneArgs = [elm: undefined, query: string];
type PositionIndicator = {
  // Above the viewport area?
  above: boolean
  // Below the viewport area?
  below: boolean
  // Inside the viewport area?
  inside: boolean
  // To the left of the viewport area?
  left: boolean
  // To the right of the viewport area?
  right: boolean
type OnOptions = AddEventListenerOptions & {
  // A selector that defines which element is the actual target of the event
  delegate?: string
  // A method that returns true when the event should trigger
  // Combined with `once`, it will only remove the handler when `when()` resolves to true)
  when?: (event: ActualEvent) => boolean
type AttributeMapping = Record<string, string | 'true'> & {
  class?: Set<string>
type SelectorParsing = {
  attributeList: string[]
  attributes: Record<string, string>
  tagName: string
type Position = {
  // Number of pixels from the top to the bottom side of the element
  bottom: number
  // Number of pixels from the left
  left: number
  // Number of pixels from the left to the right side of the element
  right: number
  // Number of pixels from the top
  top: number
type PositionData = Position & {
  // Position relative to the offset parent
  relative?: Position
type ScrollInfo = {
  x: number
  xMax: number
  xPct: number
  y: number
  yMax: number
  yPct: number
type VendorPrefixing = [{
  css: string
  js: string
  prefix: ''
}, {
  css: `-webkit-${string}`
  js: `webkit${string}`
  prefix: 'webkit'
}, {
  css: `-moz-${string}`
  js: `moz${string}`
  prefix: 'moz'
}, {
  css: `-ms-${string}`
  js: `ms${string}`
  prefix: 'ms'
}, {
  css: `-o-${string}`
  js: `o${string}`
  prefix: 'o'