
Collection of convenience code snippets (helpers) that aims to make it a little easier to work with vanilla JS

View the Project on GitHub Tokimon/vanillajs-helpers

vanillajs-helpers > “currencyFormat”

External module: “currencyFormat”


Type aliases


Type aliases


Τ CurrencyFomatter: function

Defined in currencyFormat.ts:5

Type declaration

►(num: number): string


Param Type Description
num number -

Returns: string



currencyFormat(thousand?: string): CurrencyFomatter

Defined in currencyFormat.ts:38

Creates a function that formats a number to a given currency format (eg. 1000 -> 1.000,00 €)

The template string should be the number 1000 described with before and after symbols (no numbers), a thousand separator and a decimal separator followed by the number of decimals defined with zeroes: [before]1[thou.]000[dec.]00[after] -> $ 1,000.00

// Format number to default currency format (euro)
const euro = currencyFormat();
euro(2345234.678); // -> '2.345.234,68 €'

// Format number to USD currency format
const usd = currencyFormat('$ 1,000.00');
usd(2345234.678); // -> '$ 2,345,234.68'

// Format number to custom currency format
const custom = currencyFormat('# 1-000;00 ¤');
custom(2345234.678); // -> '# 2-345-234;68 ¤'

// Specifying number of decimals
const sixdecimals = currencyFormat('$ 1,000.000000');
sixdecimals(2345234.678); // -> '$ 2,345,234.678000'
sixdecimals(234.12345678); // -> '$ 234.123457'


Param Type Default value Description
thousand string "1.000,00 €" The template for how to format a number, takes an example of 1000 in the desired curreny (eg. ‘1.000,00 €’)

Returns: CurrencyFomatter